The goal of the Exhibitions app, is to enable art students to to publish and share their culminating exhibition collection, invite the community, and share the digital archive.
This app was designed, and also developed and deployed, as a responsive web app.
Exhibitions was the culminating team project for my B.S. in Computer Information Systems at California State University, Chico. This was a an individual project and I was solely responsible for UX reearch and design, as well as development and deployment of the app.
I interviewed the Art Department Chair, Cameron Crawford, and the Art Department WebMaster, Taylor Hinchcliff to understand the pain points and potential opportunities for a port for BFA & MFA Culminating Exhibitions.
Use Case
The core journey invovled:
- Advisor or staff publishes exhibition on behalf of student
- Student shares the digitized culminating exhibition
- Community views work
Under the hood were several classes
- User: student, advisor, or admin
- Exhibition: metadata about culminating exhibition
- Artwork: details and image for an artwork
- Mentor: academic advisor
- Category: type of art e.g. print or sculpture
Physical Architecture
Github was used as the code reposity with GitHub actions publishing changes to Azure Web App Service. Data was contained in Azure Database for PostgresSQL and Azure Storage Blob Service
Google was leveraged for authentication, allowing students to use their existing university provided account for login.
User Interface
Exhibitions List
Cards were used to display Artist Information and image of invitation card desinged by the artist for their show
Users, such as perspective students, could search based artist name, year of exhibition, and type of art in exhibition
The dashboard provided charts to quickly see what type of art students were producing for their exhibitions
While the mimimal viable product goals were reached, there were some implementation details that could have benefited from additional research